Tilted's Corner

Review Scoring

May 13, 2024

When it comes to purchasing things, it gets hard to hold back for some, myself included. So, I made a scoring system for future reviews that I will be releasing. These will be the scores and quick quips that'll be on social media to grab you but also to bring you up to speed quickly.

Why Scoring?

Some people only really care about the number at the end of the day, so I feel like I'd at least have them. However, my scale is not based on quality or criticism at all. My scoring system is more of a metric of "Would I Recommend This?" This might feel like a fuzzy system as something I hate could be a five-star recommendation. However, if there was something that you should go out of your way for, a tastemaker of some sort, I think it's worth playing regardless of liking or disliking.

The Scores

★☆☆☆☆ - You are wasting your time and/or money. Avoid at all costs.

These are the experiences that I can't even recommend earnestly. Honestly, if something is given this rating it is one of two things. That being broken beyond belief or it's just not worth anything at all. I can't even specifically name something off the top of my head that is actually a one of all things. Extremely rare in their complete failure.

★★☆☆☆ - Only play if you're interested.

These are the experiences I can't fully recommend in good faith. For some reason, something is truly holding these back from reaching even higher. They might even be good experiences, however, they could be extremely niche. Niche to the point of pushing people away. It could also be the type of game that is too unfocused or overloaded with too many things. From too many game systems to going overboard on monetization.


★★★☆☆ - Take it or leave it.

To put it simply, most of the experiences under this rating are probably mediocre and things filled with too many flaws to be worth going out of your way for. The bland, the forgettable, and so much more. We all need something like this though. After all, someone else's trash is another man's treasure.


★★★★☆ - Worth the investment, be it time or money.

Similar to those that ranked as a two, but in reverse, these are the experiences I can fully recommend in good faith. The sort of things that go above and beyond to make themselves worth it. However, for some reason, something prevents them from truly being something to stop your life for.


★★★★★ - You should go out of your way to play this.

These are the experiences I think you should go out of your way for. From the tastemakers to just unforgettable experiences. These things never fail to stick in my head and influence me even to this day. Said things might even be highly debated over how good they are, but imprint something unforgettable.
